Commitment 1: Focusing on Student Subgroups
Student subgroups requiring focused support to ensure all students achieve at high levels in school and are successfully prepared for life.
• High Needs students (defined as any student who is economically disadvantaged, has a disability, or is an Englishlearner/former English learner)
The rationale for selecting these student subgroups.
As noted in our strategic plan, Millis Public Schools is committed to ensuring all of our students achieve success in school andafter graduation. MPS is a small district with approximately 1400 students. As a result, a limited number of subgroups.
However, we recognize that not all student groups have experienced the same level of success to date. Based on a review of our district data, our High Needs subgroup is not experiencing the same level of MCAS outcomes. Anecdotally, our High Needs population has challenges with graduating on time.
We also note the troubling fact that students within these high needs subgroups, demonstrate higher rates of chronic absenteeism. We recognize that attendance is a fundamental ingredient to improving student achievement, engagement and success beyond graduation. In short, students have to be present in order to benefit from services and supports, such as TSS, social and emotional learning, EL services and special education programming. As a result, this year the district engaged with McLean Hospital's Anxiety Reduction Clinic to help identify ways to support students with chronic absenteeism. All counseling staff benefited from year long professional development and consultations with case studies focused on addressing the needs of students with anxiety leading to school resistance or chronic absenteeism.
Commitment 2: Using Evidence-Based Programs to Close Gaps
Within the last few years, Millis Public Schools has begun to adopt strategies that focus on meeting the needs of our highneeds student groups. Alongside several other improvement strategies detailed in our strategic plan and focus on Personalized Learning, we intend to continue and deepen our student-centered work.