Bus registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open.

Signup deadline is on Friday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
The state requires that school districts provide transportation to and from school only for those students in grades K-6 who live more than 2.0 miles from school. Transportation is not mandated for any students in grades 7-12. Millis will be using the state requirements for 2024-2025.
For those students who are not eligible for free transportation, Millis provides a Fee Based Busing Program. The fees charged cover only a portion (less than 30%) of the actual cost of busing with the school district and town providing additional funds.

Registration Is A Two Step Process - Read Carefully
Bus registration is a two-step process. You must complete both steps in order to receive your student(s) bus-stop assignment from the transportation director.
Step 1 - Register your child(ren)
To register your Clyde Brown student(s) click on this LINK.
To register your Middle / High School student(s), click on this LINK.
Step 2 - Make your payment via one of the following choices
Pay online by logging into https://unipaygold.unibank.com/customerinfo.aspx
Type Millis Public Schools in the search bar and then click GO!
To pay by check or money order:
Mail payment to the address listed below.
Millis Public Schools - Transportation
245 Plain Street
Millis, MA 02054
Drop payment off at the Superintendent's Office, located at the Middle/High School.
Late Sign Up And Waitlist Process
All seats will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Registrations received after July 14, 2024 will not be guaranteed a seat on the bus. Buses do fill up, so please be proactive.
Confirmation emails will be sent on August 19, 2024 informing families if their student(s) has secured a seat on the bus or has been put on the waitlist.
Bus assignments (bus number, bus stop location and pickup/dropoff times) will be sent out via email no later than one week prior to the start of school. It takes our transportation director months to create bus routes. As students sign up, routes change. Therefore we must wait until the week prior to the start of school to post bus assignments.
Bus registrations received after August 1, 2024 will not be given a bus assignment until TWO FULL WEEKS AFTER the start of the school year.
Important Reminders
This section will answer most of your questions. Please read the following rules and reminders carefully.
1.) All seats will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Registrations received after July 14, 2024 will not be guaranteed a seat on the bus. Buses do fill up, so please be proactive.
2.) This google form is date stamped after registration is complete and therefore will be the means to create an accurate wait-list, if needed.
3.) Students who have not paid in full by July 14, 2024 will be moved to the wait-list.
4.) One-way ridership is not an option. Pricing reflects your student(s) reserving a seat on the bus to and from school. You may chose to have your student ride the bus one-way, however the price is the same.
6.) Students will not be assigned a bus until all outstanding balances owed from the prior year for any fee based programs have been paid in full to Millis Public Schools.
7.) Confirmation emails will be sent on August 19, 2024 informing families if their student(s) has secured a seat on the bus or has been put on the waitlist.
8.) Bus assignments (bus number, bus stop location and pickup/dropoff times) will be sent out via email no later than one week prior to the start of school. It takes our transportation director months to create bus routes. As students sign up, routes change. Therefore we must wait until the week prior to the start of school to post bus assignments.
9) Bus registrations received after August 1, 2024 will not be given a bus assignment until TWO FULL WEEKS AFTER the start of the school year.
10.) Students will not be permitted to take the bus until they receive their bus assignment. Bus drivers will have their list of students assigned to their bus and will be using their list to determine who is eligible to board.
11.) Routes will not be "door-to-door". Most routes will be assigned "Bus Stops".
12.) If you choose not to take the bus after the school year begins, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to notify Sandy Labarge at [email protected] immediately. Refunds will be prorated and therefore, refunds will not be given for days the seat is held in your childs(ren) name.
13.) If you have additional questions please contact Sandy LaBarge, Transportation Director at [email protected].
For further questions, please contact the Transportation Coordinator, Sandra LaBarge at [email protected]