K-5 Proficiency Scales

What are Proficiency Scales? 


Our standards-based report cards contain a list of standards for each content area. These standards represent the most important standards within each subject area.  In Millis, we have sometimes referred to them as Power Standards.  Each of these standards are assigned levels of proficiency ranging from little knowledge to expert knowledge. Our standards-based report card gives the reader a proficiency level that describes the student's current level of understanding based on a proficiency scale.  A proficiency scale is a continuum of learning toward a grade level end of the year standard.  We use our proficiency scales for the standards-based report cards, progress reports, and daily work to tell how much knowledge a student has acquired.

The Millis teachers collaborated over time to clearly develop a proficiency scale, or the specific information about what student achievement looks like. They worked collaboratively to decide what a content standard means before it is taught. Teachers develop a rubric by breaking apart the standard into specific learning targets. These targets are leveled on a proficiency scale that clearly indicates what skills are shown at each level.  Our proficiency scale contains numbers 1-4.  A student meeting the learning goal or expectation is rated 3.  If the student has foundational knowledge of the standard but not able to meet the grade level standard yet, the rating is a 2. For those students who go above and beyond what is expected as a grade level standard, the rating is a 4.   For those students who need significant support to be successful with the standard, the rating is a 1.

Overall, the rating represents where each student is on the continuum of learning for each standard. 


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