Policy #8.2-Transportation - Expansion

EXPANSION OF TRANSPORTATION POLICY                                                 8.2

1.         Any student living in Millis and attending a private regular day school will be        allowed transportation provided that the following established criteria are met;

a.         That a written request from the parent(s) is submitted to the Director of    Transportation annually after August 1st.

b.         That the request is designated for a long term permanent basis.

c.         That a seat is available on the bus to which the student will be assigned. (On a       first come first serve basis.)

d.         That the seat shall be relinquished upon the assignment of a student who is            entitled to that seat as a result of an increase in enrollment to that scheduled bus.

e.         That the student lives within the prescribed limits of eligibility to ride a school      bus.

f.          That no adjustment be made relative to the routes and/or stops established by, the             School Committee.

g.         That the student is dropped off at the school where the school bus is designed to   stop.

h.         That the student is accountable to all the rules of conduct as set forth for all bus    students.

i.          That students in grades K - 5 only will be granted permission to board a K - 5 bus.

j.          That students in grades 6 - 12 will be allowed to board either a High School or a     Middle School bus provided the above criteria are met.


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