All non-exempt vehicles shall be replaced with fuel-efficient vehicles that adhere to
the most recent Green Communities Criterion 4 Guidance. Vehicles shall be
replaced when they are no longer operable and will not be recycled from one
municipal department to another unless the recycled replacement vehicle meets the
fuel efficiency ratings outlined in the Town of Millis Fuel Efficient Vehicle
Replacement Policy. In addition, when replacing exempt vehicles, the function of
the vehicle will be reviewed for potential replacement with a more fuel-efficient
vehicle, including a fuel efficient non-exempt vehicle. The Millis Public Schools will
review on an annual basis the Vehicle Inventory, along with the Green Communities
Criterion 4 Guidance, to plan for new acquisitions as part of planning for the new
fiscal year budget
First reading: October 20, 2015 (waived)
Second reading: October 20, 2015
Third reading: November 2rd, 2015