English Language Education

The Millis Public Schools welcome English Language Learners into our community. The district follows a structured approach to identifying English Language Learners and provides a Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) program, which focuses on language acquisition in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing, together with academic instruction and other support services. Services are provided by a teacher who is certified to teach English as a Second Language (ESL).

The district aims to create an environment where students are comfortable taking risks and exploring the English language. The goal is to support and facilitate rapid acquisition of English language development so that students may access the curriculum and fully participate in academic instruction in general education classes. 

Students who qualify for services are identified as English Learners (EL) as a result of our Student Registration process, which includes a Home Language Survey. Caregiver responses on the survey determine the need for screening for English language proficiency and initial identification. Caregivers are notified about screening and placement.

Through Millis's Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Program, students are placed in classrooms with teachers who have an SEI license endorsement. They may also receive individual or small group services from a certified ESL teacher.

For more information, see doe.mass.edu/ele/programs/sei

All students who are classified as EL must participate in Annual ACCESS for English Learners Testing as one way to monitor their progress. Results of ACCESS testing, together with classroom performance and caregiver input, determine when a student has achieved a proficiency level that leads to reclassification as a Former English Learner (FEL). The progress of an ELL student who is reclassified as a FEL student is monitored for four years. 

EL students are entitled to participation in all academic and social opportunities as members of the Millis Schools community. Supports such as counseling, tiered support and intervention, and special education services are available to all students.

For additional information please see the Millis ELE Handbook or contact:

Maureen Knowlton
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, EL & PD
[email protected]

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